Friday, May 27, 2011

New Blog

So, as much as I enjoy putting up all of my posts twice (once on this blog and once on the Walton family blog), I've finally decided to start our own family blog. I still plan to post on here occasionally if there's something meant only for family members.

Here's the link:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ashlyn is always full of questions. Recently many of her questions have been about Jesus. It's obvious that she is really beginning to think about Him more. She often requests to hear the story about "when Jesus died" and she'll make statements like, "We believe in Jesus, don't we, Mom."

This morning she asked me when we get to live with Jesus. I told her we get to live with him in heaven after we die. Then she said, "I'm so excited to live with Jesus! Jesus will say, 'Hello, Ashlyn.' And I will be one of the children."

It's very rewarding, as a parent, to observe these seeds of testimony beginning to grow.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011