Friday, December 17, 2010


Remember when you all responded to Mom's request to get tickets for the Tabernacle Choir Christmas program of 2009 (with Natalie Cole and David McCullough)? Nikki was successful in "winning" four tickets for us, and we drove down to it with our very good friends, Marlin and Cindy Harker.

Well, it's a year later, so the program is now available on DVD, and is being shown on public television and BYU-TV. We first got a call from Joe & Kim Fiske (in Tennessee) to say that they saw us during the broadcast of the program. We also got an email from Karie Brooks saying that she saw us, too.

Before anybody gets too excited, it is all of .87 seconds long, and we're just politely clapping. The big moment happens at about 12 1/2 minutes into the broadcast, right after "For Unto Us a Child is Born". (That was fantastic, and we should have been on our feet wildly clapping!)

I guess we'll HAVE to buy the DVD now... ;-)

1 comment:

Doug Burnett said...

That's awesome! Emily and I had wondered why random people have been coming up to me and telling me I look like a famous guy they saw on TV!`