Brenna turned 15 months yesterday and got to visit the doctor and get three shots in celebration! At her 12 months visit she weighed 18 lbs 11 oz. Yesterday she weighed in at 19 lbs 3 oz. A gain of 8 oz over 3 months is not so good. Her weight was up in the 50th percentile until the 12 month visit, when it had dropped to the 20th. Now it's down in the 5-10% range. The pediatrician was ready to send her to a GI specialist, until I mentioned that Brenna has been sick almost constantly for the past month. So, we'll hold off on too much worry for now. She'll be adding one can of PediaSure to her daily diet for the next three months, at which point we'll re-evaluate where she's at.
Last week we picked up Brenna's very first pair of braces. They are called DAFOs, which stands for Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis. The point of the braces is to stabilize her ankles when she's standing and walking (which only happens with adult support at this point) and to make sure she's positioned correctly. She usually puts up a fuss when I'm strapping them on, but doesn't seem to mind once they're in place.
Brenna has recently begun folding her arms for prayers (and at various other times throughout the day as well). It's basically the cutest thing you've ever seen.