Saturday, January 26, 2008


Dearest Family-

I thought I ought to redeem myself from last week's entry. Although I did spend all day Friday and Saturday in the library, and much of Monday was spent doing things of a similar vein, I did celebrate the holiday by watching a myself...on a computer on my bed. Oh sad, it sounds like I am a freindless loner. I don't feel that way. (But maybe I am just in denial.)

School is going very well. My classes are really enjoyable; I have great teachers and friends in almost all my classes, which is nice. One that has been especially great has been my beginning volleyball class. It is very low-key and we are all friends. We spend about 40 min. after class just playing 6 on 6 (ish) and it is very fun. That has been key to my remaining in a happier mood and, take this how you want, it has also been key to my wanting to continue being around people.

I have had some difficult emotional roller coasters to ride this week. I imagine they will keep coming for the rest of the semester and until I leave on my mission. But, lest you think me dumb, it isn't that I believe that once one is on a mission the roller coasters are gone. Life is great!

My job is also going really well. It keeps me busy with lots of tasks, which is good and nice. My boss is named ("is named"??? that is correct grammar, right? But,how? "is" is in present tense and "named" in past. How does this work?) Wally. I am pretty much his personal assistant (he has two, me and my old roommate who works in the afternoons). Every morning we sit and chat about his schedule and about whatever else he feels like going off on. He is very gentle, laid-back and a great people person, so he is very good for me. He is also extremely supportive of my mission.

Oh, I think I have personally told everyone now, I am serving a mission. (!!!) I get very happy every time I say that and I love preparing for it mentally as well as spiritually. It will be so wonderful. I begin my papers tomorrow!

Life is going well. Oh, (this is the redemption part) last night I went to a Latin culture night on campus, which included poetry reading and national dances. It was all in Spanish. How glad I am I have put so much effort forth into learning Spanish and that the Lord has given me the capability and the opportunities to do so. It's a shame I will be learning Portuguese on my mission. Then I went and hung out with some of my freshman roommates. It was good to see them. Funny what life experiences teach and bring us.

I love you all. Families are great!


ps. I sure do LOVE being in a class that tells me how great marriage is, since I didn't already know that. Maybe someday I will start to actually want to be married. :)


Doug Burnett said...

Hey Abby. I enjoyed reading your blog entry! You should come over sometime and we can have dinner together!


Jason Douglas said...

>>("is named"??? that is correct grammar, right? But,how? "is" is in present tense and "named" in past. How does this work?

named is a past participle and not past tense