Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Last night the plan was for our whole family to go to the church for mutual, since I work with the YW and Russ was just called to work with the YM. However, Ashlyn developed a fever later in the day so I decided to stay home with her and just send Russ and Kaylee to the church. Kaylee was already excited to go, so I didn't want to make her stay home as well.

Kaylee (and probably all children) often projects onto herself the things she observes in others. So yesterday afternoon when I told her that Ashlyn was sick, she began claiming that she was also sick. I told her that because Ashlyn was sick she wasn't going to the church, and that if Kaylee was sick she would need to stay home as well. Here was Kaylee's response:

"I'm sick at home, but when I'm at the church I'm not sick."

I'm sure that logic made perfect sense to her little three-year-old mind.

1 comment:

Susan Burnett said...

She sounds like the product of 2 logical thinking parents, as evidenced in her mother's response!