Monday, October 6, 2008


That is me at the top. I'm rock climbing. This was over a month ago, it was pretty fun.

This was at Megan's wedding. Yep, that would be the first of the freshman roommates to get married. It was way fun to see her and her reception and invitations were all just beautiful. She did a very nice job. One of the few receptions and invitations that I have actually liked. It was especially fun because all 5 of us (the other freshman roommates) all went up together.

This is Creighton and Jannelle cleaning the plastic that melted onto the burner.

Hello Family- I thought that I might join in the blogging. I don't really have anything exciting or funny to tell, just thought I would post the basics, so then ya'll know. Right now I work M-T from 10 until, well supposedly 2 but I always stay late. I think they will get on my case for that pretty soon. On Fridays I work beginning at 1 until somewhere between 4 and 5.

I am really loving my job. I love that I have a job, but more importantly I love the job itself. It is really great to work with people from ALL over the world. The majority of students are from Mexico, but we also have plenty from Brazil, Peru, Argentina,...South America in general, Ukraine, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Africa, Bulgaria,.... I really enjoy hearing different languages all the time and just being around such diversity. Foreigners always seem to be so happy, too.

I love my co-workers. There are actually two people from Guanajuato, Mexico (the state in which I lived last Fall), one from Irapuato (the city that I lived in each weekend last Fall. Imagine that! Latinos are a lot of fun to work with. They are crazy. The two that I work with most (Mexican and Peruvian) are ALWAYS super happy and just singing all the time and laughing and saying nice things. It is great. My supervisors, Jason and Jason, are wonderful. We have so much fun together and I really enjoy working with them. They are so easy going, relaxed and open-minded. At Nomen Global, it is pretty dang easy to get stressed out, annoyed and curt, but no one ever does. It is really good to witness and practice that. Not to be creepy, but I have learned more about marriage just but watching Jason and Jason, in a good way.

My official title is Registrar, though I really wear lots of hats (Front Desk Receptionist, Assistant Office Manager, Treasurer,...). My main job is to take care of the students, make sure they are registered in classes, make sure they have paid, keep track of their folders and information and all that kind of stuff. But, I also answer the phones, take payments, open the vending machine (my most favorite part...not really) and so forth. It is good. I have a lot of opportunity to learn, learn how to work with people, learn to always be happy and kind and not ever get stressed, learn how it is to work for a real bussiness, English grammar rules (which are incredibly complicated by the way). It's great. I really love my job.

I am still on the hunt for a second job. It looks like right now my best bet will be something in food services. No, I will not be working for McDonald's, so I don't want any jokes about that. Just in general, and this isn't to be mean, it is to let you all know, let me tell you about a new job once I get one instead of you asking me. As many of us have recently learned, it is no fun to tell people over and over, "Nope! No job yet." Because it just isn't something we enjoy telling people.

My ward is really great. There is just a very very good feeling amongst those people. You can just feel that it is FULL of individuals who are all striving to follow Jesus Christ by living His teachings and who look forward to becoming friends with everyone in the ward. My bishop is a wonderful, humble man. You can sense his love for us just in the way he conducts (not that he cries or anything. :) )

I am a Relief Society teacher, for which I am SUPER stoked. I love teaching. My first opportunity will be this Sunday. Most fortunately, Pres. Kearl is still my stake president. He was my stake president last Winter semester and I just fell in love with him. I did my mission interviews and my temple interview with him and he is an incredible man, very wise and in-tune with the Spirit. Last Sunday was stake leadership training and when we split off, Pres. Kearl took the teachers, feeling it is the most important calling. He explained to us that teaching in the Church is much different because, unlike in school, it is not a situation of Expert-Novice teaching (the teacher being the expert who has more knowledge than the students who are novice) but a situation of Peer-Peer. It is not a given that the "teacher" knows more than the "students". In fact, if he had it his way we would not be called teachers but discussion facilitators. As a teacher, my job is to be very familiar with the material, teach doctrine for about 5 minutes and then have prepared 4 or 5 good questions which will inspire discussion, discussion which has the purpose of learning to apply the doctrine in our lives. This is not just as a RS teacher, but as any "teacher" in the Church. I have a list of questions he gave us as examples, if any of you would like to hear them.

Other than that, I hang out with friends, especially Garrett and Creighton, Mallorie, and Rivka from home. We go biking and camping a lot and just other stuff that comes up.
I am really happy and enjoying life. It is different living in an apartment, I prefer the house living, and with the people I do.

So, that is the update on my life. I love you all-


1 comment:

Anne Burnett said...

Thanks for the update (and the weekend chat). I'm happy you are so pleased with your job and your ward, etc. Hope all goes well with your Relief Society lesson on Sunday.