Thursday, March 12, 2009

Beach Birthday Fun

Last weekend Dad and I had a lot of fun with some of our dear friends. We spent Thursday and Friday night at the Paul's beach house in Pacific City celebrating 4 birthdays... Susan Trone, Linnell, Dad, and Marlin. We left late Thursday night (after the Relief Society birthday dinner) arriving at the beach at 11:30 pm. Of course, we stayed up talking until about 2:00 am. Friday was one of those magic days at the beach... blue sky from morning til night with little wind and just the right temperature for hiking the dune. We played on the dune for hours, including some jumping off the edge to see how far they could go. Marlin won. I was on camera duty. Then we all held hands and jumped together. Cindy has those pictures so I can't share them yet. Friday night the Harkers prepared an unbelievable seafood dish and birthday dessert. Friday night's entertainment was a sing along using an old Recreational Songbook the church published in 1949. We had brought our keyboard and Craig did his magic. Corny and funny. Friday was the typical cold and rainy weather for this time of year. Marlin still wanted to go clamming so we drove to Netarts Bay where Susan T and Craig joined him for the adventure. The rest of us didn't have waterproof boots so we watched from the van. After another great dinner, we headed home. A very fun 48 hours. Susan Trone kept saying, "I feel like a teenageer!" Well, we don't look like teenagers, but we certainly had as much fun. She also said it was the best thing she has done since Gene's death. A reminder of the importance of friendship. So, there you have it! I am thinking we need to go to Pacific City this summer when some of us are together. What do you think? We have certainly had very fun memories there as a family. Love you all!

1 comment:

Anne Burnett said...

The blog looks great, Mom! I like the changes (except I probably don't need to be told 5 times over what the weather is doing in NY:) And Kaylee really enjoyed watching the video of Papa jumping off the dune.